Meeting times

MONTHLY MEETINGS: (Except January) Meet 2nd Tuesday at 7:00 pm CT. Barfield Crescent Park's Wilderness Station, 401 Volunteer Road, Murfreesboro

Monday, May 30, 2011


Please note that we have positions of leadership within the chapter that need to be filled. The voting will be held in October and the new leaders will begin their terms in January of 2012, so it is imperative that we start now looking for volunteers to lead our chapter into the future. Please consider heading up, or helping form a nominating committee that would oversee the election of new leaders. Anyone who wants to be in charge of or a part of this committee please contact Tony Jones at 615-397-4463 or

We currently need the following positions to be filled: (at this time)

CHAPTER OFFICER: Tony Jones is stepping down after a year as Chapter Officer and two years as Co-Officer.

HIKE COORDINATOR-Ron Dunn is stepping down after a year in this position.

PROGRAM DIRECTOR: Valerie Galan is stepping down after two years in this position.

SOCIAL COORDINATOR: Cathy Bingham is stepping down after two years in this position.

BLOG MASTER: Tony Jones would like to step away from this and will be willing to FULLY TRAIN anyone who wants to give it a go. This is not an ELECTED position, but rather a position that helps keep the chapter members informed. Blogs are NOT a mandatory part of the chapter and can be discontinued if no one is willing to take it on.

So far, I have yet to hear from Ann Jacobs (Treasurer) or Sara Pollard (Membership)  So, these positions are full for the time being.

Over the past several years, Anna & Fount Bertram and Tony & Millette Jones have done a fantastic job moving our chapter forward, I do hope that we have current members that are willing to help take us even further. Please consider volunteering for one or more of the positions that are available.

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