Meeting times

MONTHLY MEETINGS: (Except January) Meet 2nd Tuesday at 7:00 pm CT. Barfield Crescent Park's Wilderness Station, 401 Volunteer Road, Murfreesboro

Monday, October 3, 2011

Cardwell Mountain-Shellsford Trail of Tears at Cumberland Caverns 9-30-11

Some great ladies from the Tennessee Trails and myself hiked a 5+ mile moderate hike in McMinnville on September 30 called the Shellsford Segment: Trail of Tears located on Cardwell Mountain and the Collins River at Cumberland Caverns.

The hike was not very spectacular and was rather long, poorly marked and lots of debris blocking trails but you never know until you hike it what condition it is in. There were lots of wildflowers, a subtle hint of color with the leaves beginning to change and some great rock formations as well as the allure of the Cumberland Caverns Cave. Sounds like it should have been a hit.....but sadly, it was a miss. If you look at my pictures you will have seen all you probably ever care to from my first AND last trip to this particular hike. I'm sure I'll be visiting Cumberland Caverns, just not the trail surrounding it.

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