Meeting times

MONTHLY MEETINGS: (Except January) Meet 2nd Tuesday at 7:00 pm CT. Barfield Crescent Park's Wilderness Station, 401 Volunteer Road, Murfreesboro

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Sewanne Perimeter Trail - Jenny

The Murfreesboro Chapter of the TTA held its first hike of the Fall season on a beautiful Saturday September 7 2013 at Sewanne's Perimeter Trail. The group of hikers included leader Jenny Jacobs, Nabil Wakid, Ann Ford, Mary Belle Ginanni, and Highland Rim member Shelley McCoy. 

The hike began at Green's View overlook  and stayed atop the hollow hugging close to the ridge with fabulous blufftop views. At Beckwith's Point we discovered over twenty names and home towns and states of coal miners carved into blufftop limetone. Underneath this bluff are old coal mines where these miners worked and some perished. The hike continued around to the University Domain Gates and then returned by going down into the Shakerag Hollow itself where we were blessed with spectacular old growth trees and lovely weather. 

The hike ended up being a little over five miles. We then had a fine lunch at the Blue Chair Cafe and rounded it out with a mini tour of the grand Episcopal Cathedral on campus and the lovely quaint Episcopal cemetery with its charming old tombstones and graceful old trees and shrubs. Sweet hike,


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