Meeting times

MONTHLY MEETINGS: (Except January) Meet 2nd Tuesday at 7:00 pm CT. Barfield Crescent Park's Wilderness Station, 401 Volunteer Road, Murfreesboro

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Rock Creek Segment CT - Sara

Cumberland Trail Volunteers Ava Navin, Bob DeHart, Carol Deakins, and Don Deakins accompanied Murfreesboro Chapter of Tennessee Trails Association Sara Pollard, Tony Jones, Ann Jacobs, Faith Bennett, Roy Duncan, Wayne YanceyRebekah Norman, Lora and I on a 7.5 mile Cumberland Trail hike.

Sara was the hike leader for this hike.  Plan A was for her to meet the Volunteers and I at the Lower Leggett Trail head.  Plan B was for us to meet them all at the Retro Hughes Trail head.  Plan C was Sara was gone when we got there and had taken Ann to drop off a car at the Lower trail head.  So finally we got on the trail with twelve hikers.  Lora was going to hike in from the Lower trail head when she got off work.

We began at Retro Hughes Trailhead.  We had a good hike and got credit for some trail maintenance on the way.  Don lead the way and headed up all the maintenance.  Everyone but Sara stopped at the Rock Creek Campsite for lunch.  Sara, who was just refusing to stop, went ahead and scouted out some more of the trail.  OK, the front pack of hikers went down to check out the creek and Sara just kept on hiking.  When the rest of us got there we noticed that Sara was not with us and sent a scout to go find her.

We took a side trip down to the top of Flat Branch Falls, paused at Rock Creek Overlook for the view, turned right at Boiling Spring onto the lower half of the loop trail, and ended the hike at Leggett Road Lower Trailhead. Just after the loop start, Lora met us and joined us for the rest of the trail.  Weather was perfect and, as usual when with hikers, the company was superb. 


Tony's Pictures:

Don's Pictures:

Bob's Pictures:

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