Meeting times

MONTHLY MEETINGS: (Except January) Meet 2nd Tuesday at 7:00 pm CT. Barfield Crescent Park's Wilderness Station, 401 Volunteer Road, Murfreesboro

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Christmas Party 2017

2017 TTA Christmas Party

We had 25 members to attend the annual chapter Christmas party at the Barfield Park Wilderness Station. Mary Belle Ginanni brought holly from her yard to decorate the tables which were covered in green and red tablecloths. Fount Bertram brought his famous and delicious deviled eggs. We always enjoy Hazel Smith's homemade peanut brittle and Tony's banana pudding. All the food was delicious. Our special guests were Joan and Tom Hartvigsen from Winchester. Joan Hartvigsen is our Middle Tennessee At-Large Director and we appreciate her support of our chapter.

Those attending:

Anna Bertram
Fount Bertram
Julie Cordova
Ann Ford
Mary Belle Ginanni
Joan Hartvigsen
Tom Hartvigsen
Bruce Harvey
Margaret Harvey
Patty Hull
Geoff Hull
Rene Jacobs
Pete Jacobs
Tony Jones
Mary LeeMorton
Sara Pollard
Steve Pollard
Jan Safavi
Hazel Smith
Lindsey Smith
James Smith
Radford Smith
Nabil Wakid
Gayle Yancey
Wayne Yancey

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