Meeting times

MONTHLY MEETINGS: (Except January) Meet 2nd Tuesday at 7:00 pm CT. Barfield Crescent Park's Wilderness Station, 401 Volunteer Road, Murfreesboro

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Chilly Chili Hike - Marietta

On Jan. 26, members of the TTA from Nashville, Murfreesboro, Highland Rim, East Tennessee and the Plateau chapters met at the Fiery Gizzard Trailhead for the Poteets 12th annual Chilly Chili Hike to hike in the cold, sunny South Cumberland Park.  Led by Marietta Poteet, we hiked the Grundy Day Loop down to the Fiery Gizzard Trail.  Due to recent heavy rains, the water levels in the 3 rivers along the trails were quite high and quite beautiful.  We had approximately 27 people hiking.  When we arrived at the Fiery Gizzard, we continued over bridges and rocks to end up at Sycamore Falls which was flowing quite rapidly.  There were many photo opportunities.  Returning to the parking lot on the Fiery Gizzard we were able to see where the Park rangers were treating the hemlocks for the Wooley Adelgid.  After returning to the parking lot we all proceeded to the Poteet's home where we enjoyed hot, mild, and vegetarian chili, cornbread, brownies and the other delicious dishes brought by all.  We ended up with about 37 people  total.  It was fun for the Poteets and I hope by all the hikers/eaters.

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